Wet Willies is a restaurant/bar in Miami, FL where a lot of big names go

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When I say “saved by the bell” it’s a metaphor meaning making a good family life before being caught up by STD’s, promiscuity, etc. The only thing that would save me from this is beautiful woman like Lark Voorhies who played Lisa on the 90’s show Saved By The Bell.

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I am not scared of things that are new or that I don’t know but yet I am still old school with a lot of values like the mob

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“My facade, a mirage” means I cannot be seen or discovered by just anyone. “Only appear once to the unworthy” means people who follow trends only see something one time and don’t remember what it is because they have moved on. “To the true ears that hear, months that niggers than heard me” People that don’t just follow trends or that are in-the-know will recognize talent for long periods.

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Doing the knowledge in 5 percenter terms means – doing your homework/researching or studying something. In this case I am speaking of studying myself. I refer to myself as God which is another 5 percent term which means the original man and one who creates his own destiny. “ Go overseas get treated like one” I am speaking of how people from other countries exalt American rappers like Gods.

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This refers to an old chocolate snack that is no longer sold.

I use this to show I have an expensive taste or “palate” as I say in the song

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This means I see “devils” or the enemy all around me trying to get a hand out or something for free. I use the term “free lunches” as in Robert Greene’s book 48 laws of Power law #40(depise the free lunch) which talks of people using free things or bribes to lure people in for prey

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“Bitch-ass” just refers to a scared person. “Scared money don’t make no money” is an old saying that basically means if you are scared to take risk, you will get little in return. “grinding to get past sea level” means scared people are not trying to get to the highest levels of money making but are fine just making it past “sea-level” or a middle level.

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In a Jamaican dialect this means big things, life changing events are going on…

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A metaphor that compares time that it takes to put a perfect project together to a sex crazed adolescent teen who is subject to waiting to have sex because women/men his or he age have not been accustomed to having sex
“get off” – ejaculate

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