These cats about to get beat on

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The red card in soccer means a player is getting ejected out of the game. So here DIGI is saying he’s ejecting these wack emcees out of the game.

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Lord Slang

Double S- Swag and Slang

‘O’- another name for the WuLords

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Only the best can collaborate with DIGI.

Lord Slang

Fizzy- good

illy- DIGI is referring to himself

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He’s referring to Tobin Bell in the Saw series as Jigsaw when people run out of time in his puzzle and get a cruel death.

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DIGI is saying people get intimidated by forces when the odds are against them but for DIGI, he don’t see numbers as a factor. He shines no matter who he goes against.

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In Sun Tzu’s lessons, he teaches to use strategy and mind power to defeat your enemy with ease. Here DIGI is highlighting that point that Sun Tzu makes. (Mind over Matter)

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left the fight at the plank: is a complex metaphor meaning left the fight where it began or where it started.

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won’t feel sympathetic or sorry for the enemy once battle begins.

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Lord Elite means that there will be no peace once so ever.

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