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@Big_Band 777

I was once a policeman in New Meridian, before being turned into a cybernetic weapon by Dr. Avian of Lab 8.

I’m a observant detective who is committed to using my abilities to stop Skullgirls. When I was working as a police cop, I was one of the few (another being my former partner Irvin) who followed the rules and regulations while the others were corrupt. While I maintain myself to be calm and collected and prefer to talk things out, I will not hesitate to fight back when I have to. I am also fatherly towards the younger members of the Anti-Skullgirl Labs and I show consideration to others, such as Painwheel. Another example of my consideration is when I refused to kill Marie, who was carrying a part of the Medici Tower, under orders from Brain Drain since it would have caused major damage to the area.

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