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Lil_Ramsic 7,512


Yes. I’m holding a HUGE block of ice that fell out of my freezer in my picture :P

I’m 26. I’m a huge Hip-Hop fan, my favourite artists include: Tupac, Eminem, Watsky, J. Cole, Mac Lethal, Hopsin, Immortal Technique, Lowkey, Akala, Kendrick Lamar, Macklemore, Lil Dicky, Logic, NF and Professor Green.

I rap as well, been rapping since about 18, I’ve released a mixtape called Who Am I? Which was two and a half years in the making. I made the mixtape to aid in my journey of self-discovery and to help me vent my feelings that had been trapped inside.

Account verified on 17th May 2013! :D

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