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Hillary Clinton Meets The Now-Famous Daily News Editorial Board

The New York Daily Post published a full transcript of their interview with Hillary Clinton. What’s the verdict?

Last weekend, Hillary Clinton met with the editorial board of the New York Daily News to discuss her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The transcript follows a similar discussion with the other Democratic candidate, Bernie Sanders, during which he seemed to struggle to answer the Daily News‘ questions. The paper’s take the former Secretary of State’s performance wasn’t positive, either: their columnist Linda Stasi said that Clinton “ talks a lot, but says little, in chat with Daily News.”

Genius users annotated the transcript with an eye backwards to Sanders' interview last week, and one forward to the eventual election. Genius contributor SomethingDeep brought out a characteristic trait of Clinton’s speech:

And offered important critique of the way the interview was structured:

Read the full annotated transcript here, and be sure to leave your own thoughts and commentary.