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About “Bothic”

You know those octopus carnival rides? The one’s with multiple arms that toss you every which way violently for 90 or so seconds? That’s probably the best way to describe Bothic, ZelooperZ’s sophomore album. It starts off pretty mellow, but before you know it you can’t tell which way is up or down or left or right. ZelooperZ may be singing on one track and then shouting on another, but from beginning to end this album is filled to the brim with emotion.

Whether he’s dreaming about being at the top on Summit, talking about his skill as a drug dealer as he does on Scales, or maniacally shouting about how he shouldn’t be here on ISBD, ZelooperZ story telling is as raw as it gets.

“Bothic” Q&A

When did ZelooperZ release Bothic?

Album Credits

More ZelooperZ albums