Kanye called himself…what was it again? Idk. I forget what he called himself on this part of the song, but it was some fancy shit. To combat that with sass, I decided to call myself a person of my own interest.

I chose Hayao Miyazaki.

If you don’t know who this man is, you need to. He has created cinematic treasures in the realm of Japanese animated feature films. Anyone who knows me knows I love films with an intense passion (as I aspire to make them someday). I also love cartoons & a lot of aspects of Japanese culture, so this guy’s work is like my preferred gumbo.

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Hype-Indie is a term that I created and that I use. After this point, if anyone else uses it, they got it from me or someone who listens to me.


Hype-Indie – Anything thing of uniquely interesting quality that has the potential to reach mass liking; the popularized other.

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Anyone a fan of Toriko? I’m actually not (cause I’m a fucking poser), but a friend of mine is and he tells me about it. It’s about food…sorta. So that led me to adding in the whole “stale” line.

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I have a backpack named Ralph that I always have with me. I love him. If the things I need aren’t in Ralph’s compartments, then I’ve either lost them forever or they aren’t very important. Pens are obviously important. And as a result, I won’t fail anything because Ralph always has me prepared; even for standardized tests!

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Another allusion to “Otis”. I’m flipping Jay’s line to say that, instead of diplomatic immunity, my reason for not going to jail is me not repeating what my brother already went through. Hell, both of them. Two of my brothers have been to jail, along with a few of my friends.

For those concerned, my brothers & friends are all out of jail now and are leading fairly successful lives.

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Smh. My Mom fucking loves this movie.

I’m basically using wordplay to create a punchline with the words “Bass” (the fish) & “Bassett” as in Angela Bassett, leading me to reference her movie, Waiting To Exhale. All that to say that just like a fish upstream, I will move forward to success.

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Now normally, these two characters would have nothing to do with each other, but here they have quite a bit in common being that I can bend my opponents just as well as they bend metals.

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Remember that Lamborghini? Well, yeah. I’m interested to see who wants to do backflips.

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I hate when people say shit like “this is my [insert literally any word at all here] Flow”. But, this was my Jay-Z Fl…see, I can’t even say it.

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Me throwing in a line that like, EVERY rapper in Hip-Hop has used at least ONCE! Seriously, what rapper HASN’T woken up at “6 in the morning” at this point? That seems to be the preferred alarm clock setting in the Rap World.

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