this is the feeling.

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They don’t know how hard it is. We think things that would make others' real experiences seem minimal. We’re not weak. We feel stronger. And then we have what actually happens on top of it. It feels like a growing weight that makes every step an obstacle.

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I wrote this song, using my own experience with crazy genius, mental illness and depression, to help others see that they are not alone and to hopefully spark the beginning of ‘recovery’.

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that point = ready to commit suicide

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Writing and recording music is my therapy. Hip Hop saved me.

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Reaching out to a suicide support group or speaking with other people who can relate can really help. I recommend Grassroots Suicide Prevention, the sponsor of this song, for information.

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The loss of my friend Jesse deeply impacted me. I would have hurt less had he not taken his life. And I know your loved ones would experience the same.

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This is the most important lesson. Even if prior attempts – therapy, medication, suicide help lines, etc. – did not work, that does not mean future ones won’t work either. KEEP TRYING.

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Sometimes even help is not help. Some things work for some and not others. And some tactics are simply unhelpful, period. Either way, the suicidal person is not to blame. IT DID NOT HELP.

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This imagery should help the listener understand the pain we feel – the superhuman ability to destroy anything

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