Sipping syrup gives you the sensation of leaning to the point of almost falling.

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Pushing the limits of the human body by aggressively living can leave you barely able to see. Also it’s referencing grey as in peoples understanding of what is “truth”. (Shades of grey)

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While high, your visual senses can be heightened and assist you in seeing the beauty and colors all around us.

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As I embrace Mary Jane, an overwhelming sense of serenity and clarity over powers my senses and I know its useless to fight, so excuse me for a moment as I let this feeling rush in.

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Metaphor saying I get higher faster than a bird trying to escape from being trapped inside a vehicle.

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Originally derived from “lighting up” something good to smoke. Eventually “Light It” became something more and far deeper than smoking. We encourage people to ‘light up’ their lives in whatever way makes them enjoy it more.

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Through our music we are gaining popularity while maintaining our lifestyle.

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We get fucked up like we are already famous.

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We get fucked up like we are already famous.

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Double meaning, first is obviously referencing weed while the second, deeper meaning is to take advantage of anytime you can brighten a moment in your life.

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