Now that I’m the center of attention they are spreading lies about me out of jealousy, and I’ve done more than they ever have

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A common saying “ What’s good for the goose is good for the gander”, what’s good for one person helps the whole group of people

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feed my wants and just tell me that you love me even if it isn’t true, tell me what I need to hear. Fufill my dreams of being at the top, like troops would salute to a commander in charge.

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It is widely known that most people will only be around you when you are at your peak or having major success, ( love you for a moment ) but at that time everyone is giving you attention so you don’t really need it.
I’m aware of this but still I want my time to shine.

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I didn’t always plan on rapping being my career. It was just something that I enjoyed to do for fun and now I take it seriously and want to pursue it to the best of my ability.

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Play on words: Some people disgust me with the things they say and openly believe, I say that they make me sick so I kill them with my antibodies , as if they were an actual virus or infection

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People only judge me because I’m getting attention that they aren’t

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I look past that because I know no one is to blame for other people’s actions

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I live in a predominantly white community where racism used to thrive and its crazy to think that all these people who love my music have ancestors that used to kill people of my race.

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This is real rap, poetry,
Dr. Seuss, a famous children’s book author known for basic poetry

with a loose screw= crazy

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