The craziest thing is that with this one, there were so many high-profile sex offenders that I couldn’t even fit them all into a six-minute straight-through rap song. And a bunch of them popped up after I’d written and recorded it. But the next one can’t just be sex offenders. That was this one. So I want everyone to kind of have some sort of theme to it. People who may be on the new list. I mean there were plenty of politicians I didn’t get to address yet. I’ll tell you what. That Lonzo Ball kid saying that Nas is a whack rapper. He’s next.

I don’t like it. I don’t like anything he’s doing. I don’t watch sports, but he probably fucking sucks. I’m completely unknowledgeable on sports. I watch Game of Thrones and The Sopranos and whatnot. But I don’t like people disrespecting people that I look up to as literally my mentors that I’ve never met. Eminem, Naz, Jay Z, these guys. Don’t talk shit about them. They’ve done too much. It irks me. And he’s an athlete. Like, what are you doing?

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Dropping all this music all year has seen a lot of fire emojis in the mentions. I’ve been dropping content every Wednesday since March, and the consistency has definitely paid off. The numbers have skyrocketed, and I feel like a lot of people have finally come around, because there’s always been this stigma surrounding me. And I think part of that’s my fault for not properly branding myself. I think some of it’s my fault for not being mature enough to be in the game when I first got in. You know, I still have a lot of growing up to do when I first got in. But now, everything is very different. I’m 29. I’ve mastered my style.

I’ve spent the past almost 10 years in the game perfecting my craft. And a good eight before that. So I want people to start seeing me in a new light, and I knew one of the only ways to do that was to just keep hitting them over the head with song after song. If this one song reaches 500 new people who had never heard my shit, or thought they knew what I was about, and they hear this, and they’re like, “Oh, I thought Chris Webby was something totally different.” That’s the problem that I’ve personally had. A lot of people think that Chris Webby is something that it isn’t. And at the end of the day, I am a student of hip-hop. I love this shit, and I love to rap. It’s so fun for me to write complicated rhyme schemes and impress myself with multi-syllable rhymes and be like, “Ooh.” That’s become better than any drug that I used to do all the time. That’s how I find happiness. If I’m not working on music or on stage I’m pretty miserable. So I basically had to cut a lot of stuff out of my life.

But I feel like I am a new version of myself, and I want people to see that. And it seems like they have been, which is great.

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What I’ve decided to do with Ted Cruz is make him a recurring theme in all the “Raw Thoughts” that I’m gonna end up doing. Because this will end up being a series, and he was mentioned in the first and this one, even though he didn’t fit with the rest of them, I felt it important to address him just because I like to. Because I hate his face, more than anyone’s face I’ve ever seen. I fucking hate that guy’s face. I hate everything about him. You’ve seen that video where he goes to kiss his daughter and she pulls away. Like nobody likes him. His family doesn’t fucking like him. This guy fucking sucks, and he was kind of almost our president, and that blows my mind. Not that who actually became president doesn’t also blow my mind, but Ted Cruz … There is something so unbelievably unlikable about that dude I can’t even explain it. And he does shitty stuff. He’s also a bad politician who’s been involved in plenty of whack shit. But Sometimes you have to go no further than his face because it is the picture of aggravation for me. I don’t like him.

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Yeah, street justice. I’m Italian. I grew up watching all the mafia movies, and I think there was an element in that time period where there was a lot more street justice. If someone got raped in the neighborhood, that guy would end up in six different garbage cans. And there is no more real element of that anymore with how law enforcement’s gotten. And an element of that is good. You don’t want just these crime syndicates running wild, but at the same time, there was an element of street justice, and there’s not so much of that anymore. But prison is one of the few places where it manages to find it’s way. And Subway Jared’s probably fucked. They gotta keep him tucked away in some corner cell somewhere. But I don’t like Subway.

You know a funny story about Jared from Subway. How he came to be the spokesperson from Subway. He would just sit in his room all day and there was a Subway at the bottom of the stairs. So he would eat it out of laziness while he was doing whatever child pornography bullshit he was doing in college. That’s how he lost the weight, because he was just too lazy to go somewhere else. He would walk downstairs and eat nothing but Subway, ended up losing all this weight. And that’s how he became the spokesman. But like what a shitty way to be famous. Like you’re famous because you ate mad sandwiches and now you’re mad rich. Fuck that. That’s worse than being a terrible rapper. Like at least then you had to do something. Like this guy just fucking ate sandwiches. I eat sandwiches. I’m not fucking getting money like Jared was. The fuck. Fuck Jared.

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Now, this is any easy one to hate. This one was easy and fun. Subway Jared, fuck you, dude. Fuck Subway. It’s gross. We live on the East Coast, so you can get a better sandwich on any street corner. Oh my god, I’m just not a fan of anything, and child pornography. That’s why I just make sure to address him as the worst. All these other things are terrible, but if you are pedaling child fucking pornography, dude, that is so disgusting. And I said I hope somebody kills you in the song. And I was not playing. I’m not gonna do it myself, but I would not mind. I don’t think anyone would lose an ounce of sleep if Jared from Subway died.

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The Cosby Show was my shit. Why did you fuck that all up?“ I loved The Cosby Show. I used watch that all the time. And just Bill Cosby in general. Kids Say The Darnedest Things? That was a great show. He’s always just been like this all-American good dude. And it’s another one when too many girls are coming out and saying this happened. It’s like, are they all lying? Is there really some crazy conspiracy theory behind this? Or did he really do it? It’s kind of seeming like he really did it. It’s another one, man. It is a recurring theme. It sucks because Bill Cosby, a lot of us loved Bill Cosby. But at the same time, you can’t give women Quaalude and fuck them while they’re asleep. Like you can’t do that. So when I heard that shit I went and threw out all my old sweaters.

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No I did not meet Kevin Spacey. And this is another one where it’s hard to separate the man from the work. I love House of Cards. It’s an incredible show, and when I saw that they were gonna cancel House of Cards, I was like, “Aww man, I don’t know how to feel about this.” Like yes, Kevin Spacey should be punished, but I wanna see at least a final season of House of Cards. We gotta wrap this thing up properly. But no, I did not meet Kevin Spacey. This was completely fictional story. I just thought it would be funny to address him a little differently than the other ones and create some sort of story and you know just clown him. But I mean Kevin Spacey an incredible actor. Like with a lot of people on this list, it’s hard man. Because you may be big fans of them, and they are shitty people, so what the fuck are you gonna do. His story was weird too because it was a young kid. So that’s like extra, you know…

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I don’t have an iPhone X. I think I have a 6S still. I got the screen fixed. That just was funny, so I said it.

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It’s sick. It’s really sick. It’s not normal to get in an argument and punch a girl, which is fucked up. But this is like deep and crazy mental manipulation, and physical abuse to a really crazy level that made me almost sick to my stomach. And I can’t believe that people are still supporting this kid to this magnitude. Where this is just kind of getting swept under the rug. Again it hasn’t been proven in a court of law I guess, but like I said, I’m gonna say what I say. Her story was pretty detailed.

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I don’t hang out with a lot of people who listen to this new generation of rap, so I just catch the Cliff Notes doing my research. And the funny thing is, I actually tweeted when this album came out. Because I listened to it. And I didn’t think it was bad. I thought it was gonna be something totally different, and I was like, “Wow, this was actually refreshing and way better than I thought it was gonna be.” And I tweeted that. And then people were like “Yo, Web I can’t believe you fuck with someone who abuses women like this.” And I was like “Whoa. I had no idea about this.” Like I said, I don’t know what’s going on as much as certain other people. I’m kind of removed and I do my own thing. I work on my music. I don’t know what’s going on. And then I found out about all this and I read the reports and it’s like fucked up.

So in this given circumstance it is true that I guess it’s not proven in a court of law but I just keep hearing more and more about how apparently he was threatening people to try to keep them quiet. I don’t know, but I didn’t like what I heard. It’s fun for me to rip on people.

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