I consider myself a decent enough rapper at least. I hate typical and periodical things and what they represent, which is the reasoning behind “fuck them offices”.

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The verse is filled with assonance


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This is actually a clever as fuck line on the lowkey though.

Satan gives you a chance to achieve whatever you seek but his mind is corrupted and WILL deceive.

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My best friend adrian(a.r.t.t a fellow rapper) has my back and I have his. When I fuck up or act immature, he bears through and cuts me some slack sometimes cause nobody isnt perfect.

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My heart is finally content with being happy having a bed that I can be comfortable in. The dreams I have border on the line of euphoric bliss.

I extended the bed/beach metaphor to show the Joy of finally making something better of myself, feeling accomplished and proud of all of my hard work to get to that position is amazing. The last line ends the life cycle of a hard worker that had started out wondering what he was going to do in his lifetime.

The whole poem was a Double acrostic. It has D S H O N going down each of the Quintrains. Also alot of assonance with ea as well.

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I am now working a typical nine to five job. The shifts are long and rough, sometimes hard to get through. I’m kind of losing my composure as the days pass, but i’m reminded of something my parents taught me. “What you put in is what comes out” they said. Over the next period of time is when things make a turn for the better and I start molding a well-off life for myself.

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I stop one day and think, “where is the path of life taking me next?”. Im sitting there in my chair, zoning out into deep thought about what’s going to occur in the near future. My past is on my mind more than the future at the moment. A revelation comes and I must start learning how to better a life for myself.

I juxtapose the name tag and welfare to show what my options are. Live a life of a lazy and unmotivated man or be proactive and get what I rightfully deserve.

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Inconsiderate and impatient bastard lol

i guess when your girl looks like this, it becomes somewhat acceptable

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At this point, the man had already almost died from that sexy sext that his girl had sent him. Now, He’s been given a time frame to go to the store for some milk and cereal and some pears. She is in dire need of some D

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The white man had his top down in his coupe, just cruising the street. The wind was blowing, and the weather outside was just too fantastic.

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