I know that I’m in control of where I go in the world, but I’m not stressing that… Though I’m not completely letting “Jesus take the wheel” I am content that if I work hard enough, I won’t have to consistently worry about having to keep the aspects of my life in check that will naturally come to me. I’d rather focus and adapt to the changes in our world, and that’s how life has been lately.

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Life really is like a train… some people try to be the conductor and control everything in their world, others are scared to even take the trip so they stay sheltered in their terminal, but people like me just really take the ride and enjoy it for what it is.

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Lately everything has been so different, and what I love to do lately is really have no set place where I’m arriving, but taking trips inside of my own mind and spirit and seeing where it takes my creativity

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The last line wasn’t a shot at anyone or means of disrespect, I’m just not a fan of a drama-filled life. I’d rather talk about the good in my world than dwell on the negativity of others

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To be honest, people who live through drama are funny to me, I kind of let them be in their own world why I’m in mine
Similar to a clownfish, they live in anemones, which kind of block off the rest of the world

I figure if I just let them stay there and don’t get involved myself, problems they have to deal with don’t occur in my life.

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When it comes to my thoughts, I don’t stress when I lose a good one, and that same mentality when it comes to my relationships with other people has brought me a life without any enemies, just simply by letting whatever happens in life just go.

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My thoughts are constantly escaping me while I try to capture them into different creations

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Sometimes I feel like a newborn to the world with o many changes and discoveries that come to us on the daily, the very fabric of our reality is constantly changing.

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Lately I’ve been so busy with everything, keeping on top of what’s been going on in my world has been a struggle; sometimes I feel like I’m on NZT (The drug Matthew McConaughey took in limitless)

One of my favorite films
Also a line based off something written by a close friend and inspiration, Nino_AM, shouts out to him.

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Sometimes, in response to when shit gets crazy in this world, all you can do is sit back and take a deep breath to take it all in
Also, sometimes when shit gets real all you need to do is burn one and things can be put into perspective for you once you relax your soul.
That’s just how I see things lately.

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