Just a reference to the world to day, a lot of people are running around with a fake grasp on what they believe the world is

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When Kurb and I started writing this together, we spent a while trying to figure out exactly what we wanted to write about, and it just got to a point where we stopped thinking about topics and started just writing.
When I say “I called the beat a canvas and started to be an artist” it’s a metaphor for abstract artists like Picasso, Dali, etc. Some of their pieces had no particular theme to start and eventually ended up having some sort of structure the further they went on wit it, that’s how we approached this.

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This bridge is a direct response to the first line of the second verse. It’s my version of what I feel like a pledge of allegiance should be. For those who’ve shaped me and made me the person I am.

Also, the seal/eagle reference is referring to the american flag and national bird, as well as the artist Seal and his classic single

“It all startes with some Stars & Stripes, wrongs and rights” Is a reference to how our flag is a symbol of america and it’s morals, and how with finding myself and learning my own rights and wrongs, I was able to learn enough about myself to get out of the darkness I put myself in.

The last two lines in the bridge are what I feel a Patriot can and should be, as well as someone that’s proud of their country. It’s also a symbol of pride of those around, and what made you you. I think it’s possible to be a patriot of more than just your country, but your family and friends, as well as yourself.

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I guess you can say I’ve falling in love with my insomnia

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These lines are a symbol of my beliefs on what needs to happen in order for our world to change. Those in charge of where and how we live are never questioned on their core values and beliefs the way we are daily, if they were, I feel this world would be a lot different.

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These lines are open for interpretation, but here’s what I say on them.

Religion and state should have no relation (they obviously do since our pledge of allegiance says “One nation, Under god, I know it still has controversy to this day but this is taking that line for face value), and the only way to make this become reality is for somebody to shake the core foundations, by doing something to make a person who doesn’t even believe in god, or Christianity say "Jesus,” more or less as an expression of being in awe of what was done, be it noble or a gesture of what some would call Anarchy.

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The visual in the past two lines alludes to maybe some sort of trip I could have been on, but I’ve actually never done any psychedelics, and the second line continues with that idea that maybe it’s just my mind trying to tell me something.

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More attempts to create a visual experience as well as an audible one

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Another visual from the experience I had with my friends,

This is the little pier I was speaking of, it overlooks the entire city of Hartford like this

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What? This IS beautiful. Shout out to all the women who can roll a great blunt or J, it’s appreciated.

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