The first line is more of something to give listeners a visual of what goes on in my imagination, and the second is my way of saying that I’m looking for a girl who can step into my world and become a queen in it, much like Alice did in Wonderland

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Fluency in success is definitely a goal in my life…. If they had rosetta stone for it, I’d cop.

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The first line is me bidding farewell to my past (depression, anxiety, and various social stigmas) to the new light I’ve had lately, since I’ve been finding myself on a much more spiritual level.

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A visual and spiritual way of recollecting the day I started working on this track. I went on a walk with some great friends to a local spot where two American flags are always up.

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One of my good friends, who assisted in coming up with ideas for writing this song is named @SonOfSimba on twitter. I wrote this line as a shout out to him, as it was a piece of a conversation we had a while back when we had first met.

This line is also a little play on words, the son of Simba from The Lion King is obviously….a lion…. and lion’s have prides, which are considered to be a part of their family, direct or extended. So this line is also talking about what creates my “pride” my family, direct or not.

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Youre on drugs if you think ASF isn’t dope as fuck

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I have really bad breath control on tracks, its pretty self-explanitory

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A reference to Nas and Homer, the writer of the Illiad/Odyssey

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I don’t say I write mythologies in a cocky manner, I mean that in my past life I wrote the Odyssey (A reference to one of the greatest poets of all time, homer)

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People say I choose my words and can have a flow a bit slow sometimes, but in response I just say my shit is over their heads, like a mythology, something they can’t believe.

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