Saying it’s his turn to sell his soul, as if that would happen.

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By paid he means presented with fortune. Once again, Unonimus is not serious in saying the devil gives famous people there fame.

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Referring to many rumors that artists sell there souls to the devil to get famous. Unonimus, though, does not believe in all of that.

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Saying that many current artist use Auto tune and lip sync on stage.

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Pop stars.

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Most of ECPASFTR currently lives in Georgia (Excluding TimeBomb). He is saying he doesn’t live in cities like L.A that are known for having famous people or people that get famous, yet he still hopes tpo get noticed.

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Saying that he has never drunk any kind of alcohol, so he isn;t going to be needing to have any drug scandals or anything to get noticed.

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Economical Plague doesn’t like the radio and tries to think of themselves as better than a lot of the rappers on the raio.

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ECPASFTR has yet to really even be heard of.

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“Because everything is getting buggier than a freaking locust”. A locust is a bug, like the other bugs mentioned in the lines. He is saying life is getting buggier/ more annoying than all those bugs.

Also, Lotus is another member of the group Unonimus is in, Economical Plague Anti-Swag Forget the Radio.

Also, spitting while killing cock roaches is saying that he is murdering small weak rappers by rapping. It is also a reference to the music video of the song this song was a remix to, Tyler, the Creator – Yonkers. Basically saying that he is eating these roaches/rappers then spitting them out.

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