In this instance A.B.C. stands for Always Be Closing which is a the most well known acronym in sales.

123’s can mean both:
1. Numbers as in money
2. Numbers as in sales on the board

Glengarry Glen Ross is an American classic sales movie in which Alec plays an incredible salesman. FiO is stating that from 9AM to 6PM he hustles as a salesman.

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FiO announces here that no one is truly themselves when money comes into play.

People tend to wear certain “masks” around certain people to hide who they truly are. This is also known as “Imposter Syndrome”. In todays society many hide behind anything from a false smile to sunglasses in a subway.

Then there are the emotional masks, the masks we hide behind because of fear. For example, if we are insecure, we might hide behind the mask of name-dropping. If we are unsure of our power, we can hide behind mask of being a bully. If we don’t think the world loves us, we can hide behind mask of anger. We mask the debt we’ve incurred to pay for lifestyles we can’t afford; we pretend things are fine at work, when our jobs are on the line; we pretend things are okay in our marriages when there is distance.

When $100.00 bills come into play, then you tend to see people for who they truly are (evil, selfish, etc).

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In 1997, Bad Boy Records released the famous song “It’s all about the Benjamins” which states money is the most important thing in life.

However it seems as if FiO agrees with Paul McCartney and John Lennon who wrote “All You Need Is Love” in July of 1967.

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Money plays a huge role in this verse as well as the rest of the song. Here FiO compares money to the Devil.

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The word “burned” here brings us back to the “lit the match” metaphor from the first verse. Verse 2 updates us letting us know that due to money owed the relationship from the first verse appears to have crash and burned.

He then questions if money truly makes one richer, and if so, says who?

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As we all know, nothing hurts more than the truth and it looks as if FiO has lined up a few people throughout this track, doing nothing less than spewing the truth! BANG!

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FiO adds to the anger line prior, adding that he went from creating the feel good non profit song “Rock Your Socks” which was praised and aired on CBS, News 12, Newsday and NBC for bringing awareness to a disease called “Epidermolysis Bullosa” to “knocking them dead”.

“Knocking them dead” can be interpreted in two ways here:
1. Success
2. Painting that Louisville Slugger red.

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In Italian-American culture a Louisville Slugger is a well known choice of weapon amongst those who affiliated with Cosa Nostra.

In this reference, the word painting means using, where as the color red (in todays literature) symbolizes violence, danger, and anger.

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FiO continues, addressing the fact that the apartment building has metaphorically burned to the ground.

The smoke represents the unresolved conflict, knowing that the only way to resolve this struggle is with money. Which FiO views as the Devil himself. This thought is the theme carried out in “Green Eyes”.

Once the money is in hand the beef will come to an end, things can go back to normal, and the friendship will once again move forward.

This is also a reference to the great sum it will cost to remove such a large amount of debris from a fire.

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Adding to the match and burn reference above, FiO feels relieved that help has finally arrived only to find out that those helping forgot the tools needed to resolve the conflict at hand.

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