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Critics of LL’s previous album Walking with a Panther with its 3 ballads (and his earlier international hit ballad “I Need Love”) “thought it was soft and wrong”. LL had to show them they were wrong by dropping “his most aggressive work to date, a rough, streetwise album” with Mama Said Knock You Out.

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Shadowboxing is an exercise used in the training for combat sports, especially, as its name implies, in boxing. It is used mainly to prepare the muscles before the person training engages in stronger physical activity.

LL is preparing himself to lyrically beat the shit out of that wack rapper.

Or he could beat the shit out of him with his fists, like he did to that burglar that broke into his home

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The sample, one of the most sampled song in hip-hop:

The Emotions – I Could Never Be Happy

This song is also sampled in Kanye WestWhite Dress

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La guerre froide a, en partie, eu lieu au Viêt Nam, appelée guerre du Viêt Nam ou 2e guerre d'indochine qui a duré 10 ans

Elle est considéré comme une des guerres les plus traumatisante de l'histoire:

  • L'aviation américaine a déversé près de 8 millions de bombes, enflammant leurs maisons, tuant les membres de leur famille par le feu.

L'ignorance Américaine face à ce qui s'est passé au Viet Nam a provoqué une «vague d’antiaméricanisme», car en plus d'utiliser un nombre incalculable de bombes, ils ont utilisé la stratégie militaire du “body count” (décompte des morts):

Si le nombre des ennemis que vous tuez est supérieur à celui qu'il peut supporter, vous finirez par gagner la guerre.

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The Genius annotation is the work of the Genius Editorial project. Our editors and contributors collaborate to create the most interesting and informative explanation of any line of text. It’s also a work in progress, so leave a suggestion if this or any annotation is missing something.

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La marque Nike est souvent pointé du doigt pour ses usines en Asie et au Mexique, exploitant les gens défavorisés pour des salaires dérisoires et même des enfants.

“On s'en lave les mains comme Ponce Pilate”:

Ponce Pilate est essentiellement connu pour avoir ordonné, selon les Évangiles, l'exécution et le crucifiement de Jésus .

Donc, “nous” achetons des Nikes, malgré le fait que l'ensemble d'entre nous connaissent que les ouvriers de ces usines vivent dans des conditions de travail dégueulasses.

Ponce Pilate aurait laissé au peuple le choix entre sauver Jésus et Barabas, un criminel notoire.

Le peuple a choisi Barabas, donc Ponce Pilate pouvait rejeter le tort et la décision à la plèbe.

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The Genius annotation is the work of the Genius Editorial project. Our editors and contributors collaborate to create the most interesting and informative explanation of any line of text. It’s also a work in progress, so leave a suggestion if this or any annotation is missing something.

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Fait référence à ses premiers passages dans la drogue soit, comme la plupart des gens, le cannabis.

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It should be noted that this flips the more common expression, “What’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine,” from Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure (Act 5 Scene 1. Line 576).

The line itself long pre-dates Shakespeare, appearing in the 2nd century CE Pirkei Avot, 5:13 in which Sticky’s philosophy is described as the mentality of the wicked man.

This line is also notable for being sampled by the Notorious B.I.G. in his song Gimme The Loot.

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According to this interview, these are the realist lyrics he ever wrote.


In this song, he expresses his desires to make it and achieve stardom while playing on the nothing/something opposition.

He’s telling the truth on the track. It’s not that there is “nothing” for him to worry about, he always has something to worry about

The cars, the clothes, the ice
It’s always something
The stars, the moon, the lights
It’s always something
The cars, the clothes, the ice
It’s always something
The stars, the moon, the lights

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The Genius annotation is the work of the Genius Editorial project. Our editors and contributors collaborate to create the most interesting and informative explanation of any line of text. It’s also a work in progress, so leave a suggestion if this or any annotation is missing something.

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DMX & 50 Cent both had a feature on Onyx’s album, Shut Em Down. They probably met there for the first time.

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The Genius annotation is the work of the Genius Editorial project. Our editors and contributors collaborate to create the most interesting and informative explanation of any line of text. It’s also a work in progress, so leave a suggestion if this or any annotation is missing something.

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DMX refers to 50 Cent’s very first official appearance on a song, which was OnyxReact.

Dmx kinda fucked up the timeline though. “Slam”, Onyx’s single on Bacdafucup, was released in ‘93, 50 started his career in 96' and React was on Shut ‘Em Down, released in '96.

By “Slamming”, D probably meant when Onyx was big.

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