The 14th amendment gave a broad definition of citizenship in the United States as anyone born or naturalized in the United States. It also established residency in each state as anyone who simply resides in the state he or she lives. It was used to effectively overturn the controversial Dred Scott decision. The 14th amendment also incorporated the Bill of Rights to the states through the Due Process Clause to make the states follow the Bill of Rights. Finally, the 14th Amendment contains the Equal Protection Clause which gives citizens equal protection under the law. But due to racial segregation and the Plessy V. Ferguson decision, this amendment was heavily undermined in the south.

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The 13th amendment effectively outlawed slavery and involuntary servitude, except for as a punishment for a crime. The 13th amendment gave riddance to the three-fifths compromise and fugitive slave law acts which were used to prolong the institution of slavery into the 1860s. The 13th amendment is also an effective progression of Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, which declared slavery illegal in only Confederate states, but not the border states. Though the amendment legally abolished slavery, due to poor post-Reconstruction executive enforcement, black codes in the south eventually forced blacks into involuntary servitude due to discriminating laws.

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Im a citizen but ummm…you’re like Dred Scott…who was a slave the supreme court deemed to not be a citizen after he was freed by his master…sad right?


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Lead refers to bullets which come from guns or heat. so a lead top means your head is filled will led, because a gun is a firearm, your head will be on fire

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You say you’re gunna marry this chick, but you faking it like Redd Foxx who was known for faking his heart attacks as a joke.

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Bob and weave with your girl homie, its ironic though because your “weaving” with a girl who has dreadlocks and weave refers to hair that isnt yours but dreadlocks are a symbol of naturality and natural hair.

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The last line is hard as fuck to get, but recibo, which is spanish for “I receive” this means I got it…i hope you did too lol

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Abstract refers to something that may not physically exist. It can be interpreted sometimes as artificial.

But it is the pictures that are abstract and pictures are “Art” so an abstract picture can be interpreted as “Art-ificial”

Artificial Intelligence also refers to the movie also

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The old heads have to acknowledge the boom bap of this track

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My favorite line I’ve ever done(no cocaine lol)

The Ayatollah is the controlling group of Iran that is known for pulling guns on citizens who do not follow the strict religious practice.

So relating this to my line I-RAN away after I had glocks(guns) pulled on me. Iran and I-RAN are homophones that relate back to the country of Iran.

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