Thus begins possibly the most reference-packed section of any verse in any song in the history of the universe!

Remember that the JAY Z references represent me. The high density of references in this section creates a picture of a lot of me with just thoughts of Blue strewn around rather than a healthy more even ratio of the two.

This is a reference to a classic freestyle by Jay which was adapted into multiple collaborations with Coldplay’s Chris Martin.

Most Kingz

Most kings get their heads cut off

Returning to the thorns concept, I am acknowledging the fact that being the king to my queen could be detrimental to me rather than beneficial. But just as in the balancing act of the rewards and risks of being king, I feel caught between the risks and rewards of trying to earn Blue’s love.

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This is where the metaphors all begin to collide and combine.

This revives the metaphors from the first verse: light/color, darkness & water; and ties them into a new metaphor through allusion to the story of Noah.

Remember that light and color represent a positive and strong natured relationship. Darkness represents a negative and week relationship. Water represents something that in little bits can be good in our relationship but can also be dangerous and destructive in large amounts.

It takes light to make a rainbow, so it is impossible to find one in the dark, yet I still look. Even If I reach the end of a rainbow, I will only find a pot of fool’s gold instead of real gold.

Color is just how our mind interprets wavelengths and it is not actually tangible or acquirable.

Basically, I am running impossible errands with no possible reward, yet I can’t help searching.

This ties in with Noah because he had to build an ark (arc) which he’d hoped would help him survive the imminent doom brought on by massive amounts of water, only to land in a cleansed world. He sailed for forty days and forty nights and was finally rewarded with a renewed land and a rainbow that symbolized how a negative situation can bring an outcome more positive than before. I, like Noah, will search with little hope in order to find my ultimate reward.

Remember what happened last time I was on a boat?

This likeness to Noah brings on an even bigger metaphor that encompasses the entire song.

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If you search for a blue rose your search will not be rewarded.

In the same way, I may search for love from Bluerose but my love may never be returned.

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Very few people ever get the chance to land on the moon.

Cross those chances with the rareness of a blue moon and it seems pretty close to impossible.

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Blue roses are a symbol of impossible love or the quest for such due to roses being strongly associated with love and romance and the lack of naturally blue-colored roses.

These lines play off of Rudyard Kipling’s poem Blue Roses which, of course, is built on the same concept.

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Blue comb is a bird disease. My bluejay (relationship) could easily get sick and die while I am already sick with the blues.

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I’m slipping into an alcohol (conflict) induced coma (breakup), when I remember that I still have my bluejay (the relationship is really rocky but it isn’t over yet). However…

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Now that I’ve lost all of my money (time), I can’t pay for the alcohol (conflict in our relationship) that helps me cope with losing all of my money (time). Basically, it’s a vicious cycle of despair.

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