Coles powers consist of extreme agility, healing and durability in addition to mastery over electricity. Thor, of the Avengers, and Spider-Man have these powers collectively.

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Throughout both games, Coles exploits are broadcast on TV

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As stated before, Cale can be either good or evil. His powers manifest themselves in more benign manner if he is good and the opposite if he is evil.

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in the first inFamous the protagonist, Cole McGrath, saved the city. In the beginning of inFamous 2, Cole loses to the Beast. As a result people lose faith in him. One of the game mechanics allows you to become good or evil through your deeds. I decided if hey are going to be ungrateful the citizens will have to deal with Cole being evil this time around.

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This was the third game in the series. The Second game was still better than the third. The first was the worst. 2 > 3 > 1

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Gymkana mode is where you get to perform vehicular gymnastics within a time limit.

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You Know How We Do It” Is another Ice Cube song. When you do well you have the option to upload your videos to YouTube.

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It Was a Good Day” and “Wicked” are Ice Cube songs. When you do “wickedly” well in the game, you will also tend to have a good day.

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Flynt Flossy is the name of a rapper that is part of the Turquoise Jeep crew. Looking flossy is a way of saying you look good. Whatever car you get you have the ability to look good in. This is bravado.

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If youre good youll end up getting sponsored by companies

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