Its frustrating that steering in this game is off sometimes. Slightly Mad is the name of the developing company so this was a play on words.

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The damage a car incurs from crashing or smashing into other cars is accurate. The representation of speed is convincing as well. You really do physically react to how fast it looks like you are going on screen.

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There are over 100 cars for you to use in this game. Every one of them is very authentic representation of the car they are modelled after.

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The graphics look great and are very detailed, even on the 360 version. They still pale in comparison to the graphics for Gran Tourismo 5, which is PS3 exclusive title.

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The Need for Speed franchise has started usign a system called “Autolog” that keeps track of all of your racing and win/loss stats. You can use it to compare yourself to other players across the world.

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Activision has a game called “Blur”. Blur is a racing game but it is entirely arcade-like. Like Mario cart with real cars. Shift 2 is a racing simulation. Additionally, when you crash, there is a blurring effect that occurs.

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The game allows you to adjust any assists that you may need to help keep you on the road. The more you use the less skill you probably have.

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You can drift but using improper techniques will cause you to crash

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You cant just press the throttle and expect to win. You need to be able to shift your gears at the right times.

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Buy the game if you haven’t. Its dope.

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