The developer of Homefront, Kaos, also developed a game called Frontlines.

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Homefront doesnt bring anything new to the First Person genre. It is heavily influenced by the mechanics used in the Call of Duty franchise.

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Kim Jong Il is the leader of North Korea at the time of the attack. The country attacked the US during a time when the US was in the midst of economic and political collapse.

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Charlie Sheen was an actor in the movie Red Dawn. The group of resistance fighters from that movie were called the Wolverines. The game Homefront has a similar story. The main difference is that in the movie it is the U.S.S.R. rather than North Korea

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In the game Homefront, the United States has been conquered by North Korea. The US is occupied by the North Korean army

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Bioware is the developer of Dragon Age 2. The version Jerome Chance played was on the PS3

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Dragon Age 2 is a as solid an RPG as they come.

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Dragon Age 2 uses a radial control device that you can use to issue commands to your people. You can literally pause the action to change the cours of the battle and react to events on the fly. You also have the option to just charge in and hope for the best. You will likely fail if you choose this course.

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Thee are many ways to win a fight. You can set your characters to be aggressive, passive, heal only, etc.

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There is a lot of action in this game. Granted there is a lot of maintenance in it as well but there are a lot of fights and lot of LONG fights.

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