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These people know about God, yet they choose not to believe in him. Throughout history, different cultures have created different religions, but Paul says that God has revealed himself to everyone.

The phrase is a reminder of the divine grace which is a blessing for the Christian.

Romans 2:15 states:

Plain in their hearts, their consciousness bearing witness, their thoughts

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The two Greek words here are as follows:

δόλος: deceit, a trick or stratagem. Interestingly enough, fishing bait is also called dolos as something that plays a trick on the fish.

κακοήθεια: this word is translated as “craftiness” here, but it has more negative connotations, too: malignity, bad character or bad manners.

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φόνο εριδος murder, strife
φόνεύω : is the verb: kill, destroy, assassinate.
Paul was addressing the upper middle class, the rich and powerful. The poor did not get to this custom of killing and ordering the killing, happened yes, but on a lesser scale.

Εριδος: contention, strife,
Paul ordained to the Philippians: “Do everything without complaining or arguing” ( Fp 2.14).
Seems strange, but in the early church there was much contention.
It seems that the contest is in the soul of man, since Heraclitus, quoted by Origen in his book : “Against Celsus”: “everything happens by strife and necessity”
This issue of discord, remember the eristic argument.Eristic (from Greek, eris, strife, conflict) sometimes called eristic dialectic, characterized by spurious reasoning , referring to the exchange of ideas in which the aim is not truth but the intentional use of any kind of argumento and manipulation of language to win a dispute or persuade someone of the truth of a point in question.

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Envy destroys community and Paul, who hates gossip, is most angry at that sin.

μεστούς φθονο: Pithy envy
μεστόω: full, μεστός concise,fully, fed, satiated-Perhaps Paul meant that the Romans were speakers who liked to raise their voice.
φθονω: is a verb used to: disappear, reach the end, kill, destroy. Behind the jealousy was an evil desire to take what doesn’t belong to him, and even kill to get what does not. It is the root of the verb:φθονω

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The Greek words translated are areυβριστας (haughty) and υπερηφάνους (boastful).

The first word, hybristai means haughty, insolent, outrageous, domineering or offensive persons, lit. people who act with hubris, a greek word we commonly use.

The latter word, hyperephanoi, literally means, “people who speak high things”.

All these old sins were committed by Jew and Gentile alike; this letter can be applied for all people because it deals with a part of human nature.

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Given the number of pagan gods worshiped or endorsed by the Roman empire, it is easy to imagine that the introduction of a new God who is also supposed to be “the one true God” would be treated with hostility, contempt and an affront to the established pantheon worthy of retribution.

God-haters could perhaps could be applied to those who are arrogant, prideful, full of themselves and unable to be humble and grateful.

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καταλάλος: slanderer. From the greek katalaleo, to talk down a lot, babble, prattle. Those who spread lies, whether through malice, false testimony, or even gossip.

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Paul seems to over-state his case: the way he piles minor insults on top of major accusations here is very strange- why add the minor charge that his enemies are gossips to the major charge that they are murderers? It actually renders any serious criticism of his enemies somehow more intangible- he accuses them of, vaguely, everything, rather than specifically, anything.

ψιθυριστας is the Greek for “gossips”

Gossip is indeed a major charge. It is an age old way to exchange news, but gossip is also an age old way to spread derogatory or false information that can destroy reputations and lives.

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Disobeying parents seems trivial, but Paul lists it along with
God-haters and faithless. He was probably alluding to the 5th commandment “honor your father and mother.”

It is astounding to see that rebelliousness toward parents is something every generation is worried about, and every generation is convinced that it has become worse since they have been young. We can find inscriptions about the state of youth in ancient Egypt as well as today.

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The Genius annotation is the work of the Genius Editorial project. Our editors and contributors collaborate to create the most interesting and informative explanation of any line of text. It’s also a work in progress, so leave a suggestion if this or any annotation is missing something.

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Greek: ός εστιν ευλογητος εις τους αιωνας, αμην

Ευλογητος: blessed; shall be used only for God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. (Ευλογητος: alabado, bendito) ευλογια: praise, song of praise; again, applied only to God or to the Trinity.

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