Daydreaming is being awake but in a state where you are not responsive to whats going on. However, you are awake.

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Window blinds block people from seeing into an environment.

Windows to your soul is a famous statement that you can look to through someones eyes.

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I’d like to call it daydreaming. Or fake sleeping.

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Inspiring actresses typically would give their body away on a mattress for sex.

Mattresses go back to the sleep reference in the title of the song.

Ass bet is slang in a neighborhood dice game meaning when they lose the bet they crap out.

Pillow fights go back to the sleep reference in the title of the song.

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Pinocchio’s nose would grow when he would lie.

Pinocchio had a wooden nose. Would/Wood.

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Beauty and the Beast was a cartoon that Disney created to symbolize love is blind.

The glass rose turned the prince into a beast.

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People praise money like it is a nations flag.

Fidel Castro is the Prime Minister of Cuba.

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Wordplay of jumping in your sleep. Tadpoles would sleep and hopefully they would be in a bathrobe. Lol

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Butterfly and Cocoon are the important parts of this line.

Butterfly’s blossom out of cocoons and ironically, when you stutter the line coon, its cocoon.

Coon is a derogatory term to describe an african american.

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Lullabies usually put a child to sleep.

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