Chris Brown new album. F.A.M.E = FORGIVING ALL MY ENEMIES

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I wear glasses, without them I can barely see. Tiresias was a man in Greek mythology that was considered to be a Prophet, he could foresee the future, but was blind(IRONY). I’ve had dreams lately where I’ve seen, Lil Wayne, Biggie, Pac, Kanye West speaking positively about my music. What I mean is, growing up I never thought I would become a rapper

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In mathematics, a multiplicative inverse or reciprocal for a number x, denoted by 1/x or x−1, is a number which when multiplied by x. Either of a pair of numbers whose product is 1. For example, the number 3 is the reciprocal of 1/3

I’m just saying why can’t we all be 1(product) and co-exist with one another, through multiplying peace(spreading love and positivity to one another)

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We all know the story of Adam & Eve(First Humans), if you don’t know they were told by God to not eat from a tree, then the devil tempted them, and they did it, resulting in sin and being banished from heaven, until they died. I’m saying, how are we the decedents of Adam & Eve, yes the committed sin, but in this world, we commit way more heinous crimes than they do. The sins we commit in our everyday live’s outweigh the sin they did, basically saying what we do is far more far fetched than what they did, you couldn’t grasp it if it was fruit on a tree

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Fancying up “Float like a butterfly sting like a bee”

Butterfly = Charaxes BRUTUS natalensis

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Pugilism(Boxing) pick a stance I don’t care which one, I’ll still rock you

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Gladiators fight in colosseums

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Success is my major Ambition. Wale made the Album Ambition

You rappers think you’re “sick”(slang for amazing, great, spectacular) you’re fooling yourselves you are not, which is the meaning of hypochondriacs, somebody who thinks they are sick when in all actuality are not the slightest bit ill, which leads to my next line, you guys act like rappers I.E Drake, rapper, actor

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Pretty much sums up why I rap

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Play on the word Forte,

Rap isn’t one of my specialties(FORTE) but I run it like the running back Matt(FORTE) I’m Bigger Than Da Game(Bigger than rap nowadays in a mc > rapper kind of way) call me 4-tay(rappin' 4-tay was a rapper who made the album Bigger Than Da Game

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