Wordplay again if you haven’t noticed this song is filled with them. I am a rap addict like Whitney Huston is to crack, I just can’t stop doing it

“Houston, we have a problem” — Apollo 13

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I go crazy when I write lyrics, so crazy I spazz out which I in this song call seizures(I never had one, Allhumdulilah). When I write lyrics I listen to Frenic, who is a sick beat maker, basically I am saying in these lines don’t trip out just give him some lithium(what people who have seizures take) to energize me like the Energizer Bunny(Energizer Batters Contain Lithium). Give me prophylactic(pills) to prevent such life threatening mishaps from occurring again

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the whole tone of this beat

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They say that taking the lyrcism way of Hip-Hop is dead, and that I’ll never get famous. I could care less rapping to me is like breathing

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Static shock is a negro. So when I spit being the person I am, I shock people when they find out that I actually have Ill rhymes, IllMatic(one of the best albums ever created, not saying I’m on the same level as the great Nasir Jones), that’s how people perceive my art when I rap

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I’m going to bring back Hip-Hop one way or another. I am essentially the seed to the Hip-Hop empire, which will grow as big as Jack’s Beanstalk, basically saying Hip-Hop will be the greatest genre of music for times to come

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All I have is lyrics, all the mass wants is beats

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Seriously, perfect metaphor

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I believe your actual career in rap starts from when you first record a mixtape, this being my 2nd year I am thus a sophomore in my book. Even though I am a novice in the rap game, I can tell that Hip-Hop has lost it’s originality to mainstream cRAP

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In Hip-Hop I am a master in all of its styles, from Horrocore, Conscious, Love, Lyricism/Wordplay, Underground

I know that I am the MASTER of many STYLEZ but don’t call me P

Master P = Rapper
Stylez P = Rapper

Again, wordplay

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