Hey Jude by the Beatles. A play on the idea of being the Messiah, like Jesus.

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I wish those faggy pictures of like “Music=Life” etc didn’t exist. Cos that’s me, pretty much.

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I credit a lot of my getting over depression to discovering Kanye’s College Dropout album. Having gotten the strength to go out in the world, I would’ve become lost if not for his other releases such as Lost In The World

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I love winning and music. But mostly winning.

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I took on depression pretty much by myself, after I stopped taking my medication. Pretty much feel like I’ve conquered it now, save for the little relapses every now and again.
Up to this point I’ve been doing things by myself in general but now I have my team (Prince’s Trust Team 24, but past that the people who I’m working with currently to take my shit to other levels). When I was on my lonesome you couldn’t have stopped me so now I’ve got a team behind me I feel pretty unstoppable.

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I’m a very white, but fair cunt.

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I don’t take much credit when people compliment my music. I tend to avoid the subject to be honest. But the more people say I’m great the harder that idea is to avoid. On reflection the way that I’ve progressed from rapping into my MP3’s player on the way home from school to actually producing entire mixtapes does seem a bit like fate.

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Not surprisingly when I’m at a party and my song comes on, or when I’m listening to What’s New In Technology and By Myself comes on I feel a bit famous.

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When I started I was shite (shit for le Americans), it takes time to develop your craft, a lot of time.

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Is he dumb for making the music or are you dumb for playing his music? You decide that but don’t compare me with him and fannies like him in the process.

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