He must be the center of attention because it is lonely otherwise

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The second erse is from the perspective of someone with low self esteem. He feels the need to floss when really its a front.

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Two hurt people will be okay with being sort of taken advantage of because they will both get the reassurance that they want.

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Because they are hurt they will do whatever makes them feel better…

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Maybe Robert acts crazy because his mad at how the world works

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Maybe the reason why he is always starting stuff is because people always talking crazy!

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Robert begins to list the reasons why he does what he does. He is saying that maybe the fact that he does crazy stuff is because his dad was gone. He instead turns to music and being reckless

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This video is processing – it'll appear automatically when it's done.

Robert begins to talk to someone of an older generation (parents, grandparents, etc.)

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When you are hurting you do whatever makes you feel good

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