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50 Cent’s “Many Men” vividly depicts his infamous shooting, and how that near-death experience affected him. This event understandably lead him to feel a sense of paranoia, making him always look over his shoulder for potential threats. Bibby’s circumstances may not be as serious, but he worries people will take advantage of him, and is therefore cautious with who he lets into his life.

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The word “flexible” is traditionally used to describe how one can easily adapt to various circumstances. Fab, being the witty dude that he is, gives the word new meaning to illustrate how easy it is for him to constantly flex / stunt.

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“Carats,” the unit mass used to measure the quality in gemstones, sounds similar to “carrots,” the vegetables. Fab might not be healthy, but at least he’s always blinged out – he has never shied away from showing off his diamonds.

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Nicki’s an immensely successful, self-made millionaire and a dominant force in the hip hop industry, making legendary hip hop mogul, Dr. Dre, recognize her high socialite status and strong brand. Dre respects her so much so that he offered her an official line of Beats Pills speaker set, to sell in her product lines.

Everyone wants a pice of Miss Minaj, but her vagina is just as “high maintenance” as her limited edition Beats Pills. She doesn’t sleep around, and has a history of continually bragging about her upscale “perfect pussy” & calling out other women for being too promiscuous. It’s all some exclusive shit.

Considering she has her own source of income and her own business deals, she’s not dependent on any man. A lady who can take care of herself is desirable to most men. Add a sense of integrity on top of that, and she’s quite the catch.

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The Audemars Piguet (“AP”) seems to be Nicki’s favorite brand of expensive watches. She expressed love for the brand on DJ Khaled’s “I Wanna Be With You” as well.

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Bipolar disorder is a mental disorder that causes extreme mood swings. While “hot” and “cold” are opposites, this juxtaposition doesn’t necessarily describe something that is bipolar. Instead, it may refer to the Polar Regions (North and South Pole). Cole’s flow is as “cold” as both poles.

He rapped something similar on “Mr. Nice Watch”:

Cole World but I’m hot as shit, do that mean that I’m bipolar?

It’s a common belief that wealth and material possessions brings happiness, but Cole understands that it’s inner peace and the strength of spirituality that truly does the trick. He’d much rather replace something pricy for something more reasonable. During an interview with Angie Martinez in December 2014, Cole spoke of how he sold his Range Rover and now rides his bike around NY, likely due to the all the “problems” he has encountered with the police.

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Bentley’s have push-button starts with the letter “B” branding on them. They’re convenient and easy to use, but one must be cautious not to leave the car running as it can lead to carbon-monoxide poisoning.

However, this is metaphorical for a sex drive, of course. They’re not literally driving a vehicle. Nicki pleases her man so well that he loses all grasp of reality, as he gets lost in the ultimate pleasure.

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In 2015, Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy wasn’t taken seriously by many. Trump was a walking controversy, from his comments on immigrants and Mexicans, to wanting to register Muslims to making fun of a disabled reporter. His eventual 2016 campaign success shocked many.

During his speech at the 2015 VMAs, Kanye West announced that he wanted to run for president in 2020. Kendrick joined the Yeezus tour and later collaborated with Yeezy on “No More Parties In LA,” so it makes sense that he would support him.

While Bill Clinton attempted to hide his 1998 sex scandal, Kenny makes light of the notion of fellatio in the oval office. This isn’t the first time Kendrick referred to Clinton’s promiscuity in the White House. In his 2015 single “King Kunta,” he says:

The yam brought it out of Richard Pryor
Manipulated Bill Clinton with desires

Not only does The College Dropout mark the start of Kanye’s prolific career, but Kendrick plays on the album title to make a larger point—even as a college dropout, Kanye could reasonably formulate a campaign for president.

Kendrick also plays on the phrase “God Bless America,” instead, asking for the people of America to be blessed, belying an underlying disillusionment with the federal government and political corruption.

On July 4, 2020, Kanye announced his candidacy for president via Twitter.

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