All the bad things I used to do or do now are transferred into my music

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I’m explaining how my future’s gonna be for the haters.Then I’m gonna mix a potion that’s either gonna kill them or cast a spell on them.Basically my music and success will either ruin your life since you’re a hater or it’ll turn you into a fan,then eventually a dickrider trying to get everyone to listen to my music.

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Since it’s called ‘Law Abiding Citizen’,I figured off I’d start off with a story of me breaking the law lol

Thought I’d explain why I’m not on the official track…I was having some recording issues,that’s it. #NewRules

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Could be interpreted as me saying I’ll give crack(rocks) to people that like to get high.I’m saying when I’m on top I’m buying cars for my friends too

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Althought the chorus says that I’m just joking around but that doesn’t mean my bars are week…

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Don’t pay attention to ignorance because it will get you nowhere…

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I’m rollin up joints to either smoke em or sell them for money(which I’ll probably use to buy more weed)

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lol I know my hook was the best

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In the end,going to school made my raps better.In the beginning I made it seem like dropping out would be a better choice,but it’s not…

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notice I shivered during the N…

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