this line is lego'ing off of the previous explanation stating that i was in the yankees' suites/booths at their home games often, due to me at the time dating derek jeter’s sister. so im saying in the line that no mic when i was up in that booth, meaning no microphones, and that the only mic was actually Mike, as in michael jordan, who ive had the honor to call a homey of mine due to building a cool relationship with him via all the games we attended together and hanging out together due to me being apart if the Jeter fold for so long. so i go on to say “i know mike, MJ salute/ sharing the cigars with the pair that you got on”. meaning i was having cigars on the regular with the person who’s sneakers you wear and covet. that’s a lyrical exercise type entendre. “Tor knows, he was there to tag along” is me shouting out my homey torae, who was there for all of that and can attest to the above statements being true.

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