This refers loosely to early America. As we expanded across the nation, we started to build it up more and more. The middle and west of the country holds a lot of ranches but the modern day development of these places is also filled with ranch style houses. A lot of the acquisitions made in grabbing land for early America could also be seen as sticking it to the British, hence the something to stand for.

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This is referring to the many wars that have been fought in the Middle East. This isn’t to insult the ME but to point out that the land is usually not worth the battles and not the reason for it. The people living there are often looked down upon and yet their land is being invaded and the land isn’t even what the invaders are after.

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One of the founders of Providence, RI was Roger Williams. His legacy was captured in a statue erected in Prospect Terrace Park.

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The clapper is the drumstick like component inside of a bell that, when swung to strike the inside of the bell, makes the resonating “clang” noise.

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We were walking past all the shops in Old Orchard Beach and we’d noticed the polished rocks for sale and almost bought some, but eventually decided against it.

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I remember watching the fireworks reflected in the sunglasses of the girl I was with that night.

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I decided to take a walk that night while listening to Tiny Dancer on repeat until I’d learned all the words.

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What may seem like a reference to Billy Joel, this is actually a reference to Elton John.

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This poem was based off of a memory from my childhood. A handful of us had the opportunity to witness a calf being born during a field trip to the fair. Unfortunately, the calf ended up being a still born.

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One day I took a bus down to Newport. I explored for the day, and while I was waiting for the return bus, I met a guy named Jimmy at the bus station who was the spitting image of Robert Deniro.

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