Christianity teaches you that perdition is a state of eternal punishment that you pass into if you don’t repent for your sins. Charlie is quickly going down this road.

Also refers to a Tom Hanks movie which is pretty amazing

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Another Catcher in the Rye reference. In the story Holden mentions having a fantasy about children running in a rye field located on the edge of a cliff. He is “the catcher in the rye”, in other words, he is the only one with the ability to save these children from falling off of the cliff which represents their innocence. In this instant, Charlie is faced with a similar dilemma. Is he going to keep his innocent or react to the presence of the border patrol and allow himself to fall off of the cliff?

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  1. A mole is someone who works their way into an organization while working in accordance with the police. Usually used when dealing with espianoge, but it works in this context.

  2. A mole in chemistry is a unit of measurement to express the amount of a chemical substance you have. Grams/Molar Mass= MOLES

  3. A mole is an animal that lives underground much like Gram is now underground (he’s dead though).

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Holden Caulfield is an iconic figure from the J.D. Salinger classic The Catcher in the Rye. In the story Holden is a rebellious teen without any direction, much like Charlie is in this story.

*Holden Caulfield taking a drag of his cigarette while judging the “phonies” that are passing him by.

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In reference to Kanye West’s verse in Murder to Excellence and Jay-Z’s verse in Lucifer

And I’m from the murder capital where they murder for capital

If Chi town/NY in the 90s were the murder capital of the US, then Juarez is the murder capital of the entire world. From 2006-2010 28,000 people died due to the drug war in Mexico.

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The chain lift is that portion on the rollercoaster where you slowly get taken up before the long drop. This is the build up to the climax. The person who falls off the ride represents the fact that if you don’t help yourself in our society you are going to be left behind.

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The Balloon Race is a common kid’s ride at many carnivals.

Obviously a kamikaze is a suicidal military attack that was used by the Japanese in World War II.

Children have no business being involved in these types of conflicts, but everyday children are killed just because they are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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There is a homophobic stereotype within the African American community. This is usually due to the role that Black Churches play within this culture. As Bishop William A. Hilliard, of the Third African Methodist Episcopal Zion District, preaches,

The Church is diametrically opposed to homosexuality; we stated that as our official position last year at our national conference, it is a sin… it will destroy us all

The fact that Jason Collins is both a black athlete and homosexual, therefore, is quite a big deal in breaking down the stereotypes that have been associated with both the black culture and athletes themselves.

This introduction mirrors Nevada senator Kevin Atkinson’s proclamation of his sexuality

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