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In the Bible it states

You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours.

He is now getting the prosperity that comes with the work he has put into it, and Kendrick’s fans appreciate the hard work that he puts into his craft.

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The Genius annotation is the work of the Genius Editorial project. Our editors and contributors collaborate to create the most interesting and informative explanation of any line of text. It’s also a work in progress, so leave a suggestion if this or any annotation is missing something.

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Direct allusion to Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s Youth and Age where he says,

How lightly then it flashed along,
Like those trim skiffs, unknown of yore.

Nicean barks refers to the moment that the victorious Greek ships sailed home after the Trojan War. As beautiful as this moment was, Helen is even more beautiful. The mention of Nicea is important to emphasize the majesty of victory as Nicea is named for the Greek goddess of victory Nike (yes the shoe company is named after this goddess)

Notice the use of the word like, meaning that this is a simile. A simile that extends for many lines, like this one, is referred to as a Homeric simile or an epic simile.

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The Genius annotation is the work of the Genius Editorial project. Our editors and contributors collaborate to create the most interesting and informative explanation of any line of text. It’s also a work in progress, so leave a suggestion if this or any annotation is missing something.

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An allusion to Helen of Troy who in mythology is said to have been one of the most beautiful woman who ever lived. So beautiful, in fact, that according to many Greek writer–such as Homer, Herodotus, and Virgil–is believed to have been the cause the Trojan War.

While it is likely this poem was in response to Sarah Helen Whitman, who previously had written a poem to Poe entitled “To Edgar Allan Poe”, it is equally possible Poe was writing about Jane Stanard, the mother of one of Poe’s childhood friends, who died of brain cancer. Before dying, she became deranged, which Poe observed first hand at the age of 14. Mrs. Stanard was only one of the many tragic deaths Poe encountered in his younger years, of which likely shaped his character as a poet later in life.

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The Genius annotation is the work of the Genius Editorial project. Our editors and contributors collaborate to create the most interesting and informative explanation of any line of text. It’s also a work in progress, so leave a suggestion if this or any annotation is missing something.

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Iago is incredibly angry that Othello promoted Michael Cassio over him because he feels as though promotions should go to those who have been there the longest. He feels as though his military experience makes him a much stronger candidate for this promotion.

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The Genius annotation is the work of the Genius Editorial project. Our editors and contributors collaborate to create the most interesting and informative explanation of any line of text. It’s also a work in progress, so leave a suggestion if this or any annotation is missing something.

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The Lupercalia was a festival celebrated from February 13 to the 15th to avert evil spirits and purify the city. Specifically the festival worships Lupa the she-wolf who raised the two infant orphans Romulus and Remus who eventually founded the city of Rome.

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The 12th track off of Soulo’s Longterm Mentality project. The song features BJ The Chicago Kid. This song is about how Ab-Soul almost is a big name in hip-hop.

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The Genius annotation is the work of the Genius Editorial project. Our editors and contributors collaborate to create the most interesting and informative explanation of any line of text. It’s also a work in progress, so leave a suggestion if this or any annotation is missing something.

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This song sample’s Janet Jackson’s “Control”

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The Genius annotation is the work of the Genius Editorial project. Our editors and contributors collaborate to create the most interesting and informative explanation of any line of text. It’s also a work in progress, so leave a suggestion if this or any annotation is missing something.

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A reference to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs which was a psychological theory proposed by Abraham Maslow in 1943.

Milo’s pain in this song is felt from his lonliness and is due to the third level of the pyramid. This shows that although his physiological needs and security needs are taken care of, this sense of lonliness ensures that he has still has pains he has to get off his chest.

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The Genius annotation is the work of the Genius Editorial project. Our editors and contributors collaborate to create the most interesting and informative explanation of any line of text. It’s also a work in progress, so leave a suggestion if this or any annotation is missing something.

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Mad TV did a parody on this exact topic

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The Genius annotation is the work of the Genius Editorial project. Our editors and contributors collaborate to create the most interesting and informative explanation of any line of text. It’s also a work in progress, so leave a suggestion if this or any annotation is missing something.

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Direct reference to the classic Brenda’s Got a Baby by 2Pac. In Pac’s song Brenda contemplates abandoning her baby in a trash can but can’t bring herself to do it. Brenda is eventually killed in the story, but Pac can’t bring himself to abandon Brenda.

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