“Conscience would have to bounce” – bounce also means leave to Black people

Czechoslovakians can also be called “Czechs”, pronounced like “checks”

checks bounce when you don’t have the money to back up a purchase

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ice skating maneuver that i perform lyrically ya diggg

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pistons fire to keep a car runnin'. My pistons, in a musical sense, are driven by passion.

Jerry Stackhouse is a retired NBA player who played for the Detroit Pistons.

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Feelin' terrific, with a terrific wit (sharpness of mind). Pretty damn proud of that line, actually.

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Shit got real when the buildings burned on 9/11. Shit went from “what the hell is happening, this can’t be life” to “WTF” in mere seconds.

9/11 doubles as 911 (digits for the police)

smackin' you in the mouth with language, metaphorically, is what spurs that phone call, clearly.

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don’t try that shit…but yeah, you’ll really pass out bruh

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Sylvester Stallone played Rocky, an Italian boxer known for being able to get his ass whooped and come back to win fights.

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Lil Wayne was a dope rapper at one point…then came what I call “The Lollipop Era”. Self-explanatory.

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Whenever somebody scores in hockey, the buzzer rings loud as hell and flashes to let everybody know it happened, since nobody can see that shit.

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My life was stagnation, waitin' to get the hell up outta college.

College works on you, like mechanics, and you’re better once you leave. Usually.

A “whip” is slang for a car.

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