Based on quotes from the writers and those associated with the show, it appears Better Call Saul is going to stretch the definition of what it means to be a drama.

“[The show will be] taking an inherently funny character and surprising people in both directions. It’s an hour show, it will be a drama, but it will also be very funny, as Bob’s character was on that show.”

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The Breaking Bad finale wasn’t very open-ended and provided closure for most every character, but one notable exception is Jesse Pinkman. When we last saw Jesse he was speeding away from the Nazi camp, free for the first time in a while, but with no real plan for the future. Even Gilligan was intentionally vague when describing Jesse’s fate:

“Some people might think, ‘Well, he probably got two miles down the road before the cops nailed him.’ But I prefer to believe that he got away, and he’s got a long road to recovery ahead… the romantic in me wants to believe that he gets away with it and moves to Alaska and has a peaceful life communing with nature.”

We might not ever meet up with Jesse again, as he probably is going to try to distance himself from every character he met during the Breaking Bad timeline, but I’m sure the fans would appreciate learning what ever became of the show’s heart and soul.

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I’m glad to see everyone’s favorite grandfather will be a part of this show, since his gruff and businesslike demeanor should provide a welcome foil to the goofy Saul. Plus he was just an interesting character, as he could be a ruthless killer but showed he had a good heart in the way he cared for Jesse and his granddaughter Kailee.

While Mike started to get a lot of screentime in Seasons 4 and 5, there is still a lot left to say about this character. I’d love to learn more about his time as a Philly police officer, and how exactly he went from a cop to the right-hand man of crooked lawyers and drug kingpins, so I’m hoping Mike becomes a more developed character rather than continuing to serve as a one-dimensional “clean up guy”.

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McKean, of This Is Spinal Tap fame, will play Saul’s brother in this series. They intentionally chose a comedian to play this role, so it appears we’re going to see some funny back and forths/hijinks between these two.

“So we have these two comedy legends working together"

– Peter Gould

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What we do know

  • He emigrated from Chile to Mexico in 1986, then to America in 1989 – though the Chilean government has no records of a Gus Fring ever living in Chile
  • He started the Los Pollos Hermanos fast food chain with his close friend Max Arciniega. There has even been speculation that the two were lovers, so it is possible we will learn more about that relationship here
  • Gus has a long and troubled relationship with the Suarez cartel, one that might be elaborated on by someone like Mike
  • He often mentions the importance of family, and reveals he has children in a dinner conversation with Walter, but we never actually saw any of his family members

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“Faith and begorrah! A fellow potato eater! My real name’s McGill. The Jew thing I just do for the homeboys. They all want a pipe-hitting member of the tribe, so to speak…”

– Saul Goodman

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