Okay, this might actually have some semblance of emotional meaning. I went to university in Leicester, 100 miles away from loved ones. Draw your own conclusions.

I never really drowned my sorrows though. I cured any homesickness with extended sessions of Futurama and liberal use of chocolate.

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Malibu a registered trademark that I need permission for?

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“Slop” being slang referring to the horrible collection of beers that collects in the tray on which pints are poured.

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This video is processing – it'll appear automatically when it's done.

He figures he may as well give up on finding love, and has now accepted that he might as well just keep things less serious from now on.

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The reason for the girl rejecting him becomes clear – she has found someone else.

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The author wants someone to get through problems with, but the girl declined.

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