Fernando Botero Angulo (Medellín, 19 de abril de 1932) é um artista figurativista colombiano, chamado por alguns de “Boterismo”, o que lhes dá uma identidade inconfundível. Suas obras destacam-se sobretudo por figuras rotundas"

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Pra Clarificar – Isso não é uma diss/indireta pra ninguém.. Só um comentário geral sobre a massa de artistas novos que acham que é necessário copiar os outros pra se encaixar.

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just a joke brodies haha

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Like, selling computer software

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Reflecting on how fortune and fame has many times changed artists. I’m not focusing on the money itself, I just use it to represent all of the factors that come attached to success. I’m reflecting on whether or not achieving a certain level of success will change me

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a younger Josbi’s poor attempt at sarcasm haha

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money can’t buy happiness

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“lettuce” = marijuana muchacho

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This line can have two meanins

  1. He’s off the Billboard music charts, meaning he is literally an uncharted act.

  2. He’s still “uncharted”, an underground act all the way from Brazil, far removed from major Media Attention.

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