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About Bliss

Bliss (Desiree) is one half of a duo, Ascended Masters, consisting of she and DeeAre (David). She is the emcee part and he, her beat composer. The idea of hip hop is one that has taken her from a small child into a grown woman, as she started rhyming at the age of 15. Through much adversity and bias, she has evolved into a mystic in the art of rap alchemy, melding and blending her poetry and singing abilities to create a unique style throughout her musical efforts. It seems that her husband is a perfect pair in musical matrimony and his versatility and growth through the years has matched her vocal abilities at every mark of ascension. They both reside in the beautiful paradise of Hawaii, to avoid the crowded streets and havoc that is Babylon. This setting provides a peaceful environment for their music to continue to blossom as they always aim for a progressive sound. They have released 4 AM albums, “Spiritual Awakening”(2010) ,“Corporatocracy”(2012), and their latest 2 “The Braineaters” (2012) , a collaboration with underground MCs, and “Reflections”, a solo EP of Bliss. They also featured on “The Blackhole Speakeasy” Son of Saturn (2012), “Jnana,Prajna & Satya” Kalki (2012), “The Sureshot” Amun Morb and Beat Illustrator and “Plague Monks” Soul Shinobi(2012) with many more upcoming projects. Bliss has also released her first collaborative album with Son of Saturn as The Beat Poets “2012: InnerSpace Oddyssey” (2012) featuring DeeAre and other great producers, and now just released a legendary EP with Wu-Tang’s Killah Priest, “The Goddess & The Priest”. She has many collaborations with RMR artists and other artists around the globe. Bliss has a deep rooted respect and awe for the people she has encountered in her musical journey. Hip-hop is a life lesson that keeps teaching and an art that keeps giving. Through many life struggles of being raised in poverty, being seen as “just a girl” and disregarded for being female in an almost all male line-up, Bliss has never given up on her dream of spreading positivity, support, love and peace. Music is her life and becoming a part of RMR is another road on her path to musical success. Her style is rap/poetry/singing, and is versatile like that of a chameleon that can blend well with whatever type of song environment she is asked to be on. Her content is positive, conscious, slightly spiritual, and focuses on the promotion of awareness as to the real oppression that plagues most people around the world. She is open-minded and always happy to help her musical family anytime they need an ear or a vocal feature. She is a nurturer of the art of hip-hop and will continue to take care of the music in a respectful and humble way. P E A C E