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About Bodychoke

Bodychoke was an experimental noise rock band formed in 1993, London, UK.
It was a side project of power electronics band Sutcliffe Jügend, active between 1993 and 1999.
The members were: Kevin Tomkins (guitar, vocals), Paul Taylor (guitar, vocals), Gary Kean (bass), Mike Alexander (cello), Jamie Hitchens (drums, 1993-96) and Manu Ros (drums, 1997-99).
Their music expressed themes of hate, disgust, sexual perversion and death.
Their style is hard to describe, a combination of noise, industrial and post-rock with elements of gothic music. Their songs usually consist of a repetitive riff on the bass and drums, layers of distorted guitar noise, with Tomkins' vocals ranging from bassy murmurs and whispers to extreme, deranged screams. In 1996, Mike Alexander featured a cello as both a melodic and rhythmic element, and sometimes even a source of ambient sound-effects. The arrival of Manu Ros brought more complex drum sequences, with a “tribal” feel to them.
They released four studio albums: “Mindshaft” (1994, Freek Records), “Five Prostitutes” (1996, Freek Records), “Cold River Songs” (1998, Purity), “Completion” (2004, 2nd Floor Mafia Productions) and a remastered version of “Cold River Songs” featuring 3 bonus tracks, released in 2009 by Relapse Records.
Bodychoke disbanded in 1999.