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Everett Champion

About Everett Champion

Everett Champion is a 22 year old hip-hop artist/rapper from Toronto, ON. Everett creates an energetic and inspiring sound by combining his lyrical talents and his great ear for music. The artist released his debut EP “Daze of Summer” in August of 2017, and gained traction as an independent artist through songs like “Mamacita” and “Seventeen”. Champion followed up with his sophomore EP “Out For The Night” in May of 2018, and was met with praise for his unique mix of mainstream hip-hop and lyrical substance. In 2019, Champion returned with his crew-cut single “VSCO”, and began the road to his debut album released in November of the same year, aptly titled “Meet Me At 9:05”. After a long winter and a summer induced by the Covid-19 quarantine, Champion returned with a surprised 5-song EP, made exclusively during quarantine and from home. The project was titled “5th Ave” and featured singles like “Orangina”, “Solaris” and “Honey Skies.“

The self-proclaimed "Young Visionary” brings a level of complexity and substance to the hip-hop genre, creating a cinematic universe that connects all of his musical projects together and a cohesive brand that revolves around his love for music and film. Champion’s love for detail in art has helped him develop a multiplex of musical projects that revolve around the lives of suburban teenagers as they face the adversity of maturing and growing up, showing his dedication to his craft and creating something more than a collection of songs.