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About Kneecap

KNEECAP are a rap trio hailing from Belfast.

KNEECAP is made of Mo Chara, Móglaí Bap and DJ Provaí whose jumping between languages give us an insight of life for young people in West Belfast. They have combined an in-depth knowledge of the Irish language with a killer flow and a wry humour to produce the most unique sound of late.

Their debut single ‘C.E.A.R.T.A’ was released in December 2017 but was subsequently banned (kind of) from RTÉ for reasons unknown to the lads Mo Chara, Móglaí Bap and DJ PROVAÍ .

They released their debut mixtape 3CAG in June 2018 and had a few mad gigs at Body & Soul, Electric Picnic and also played sold out shows in Galway and Dublin in 2019

(Source: breakingtunes.com)