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Takashi Murakami

About Takashi Murakami

Takashi Murakami is an extremely influential Japanese artist, pushing the art and culture of his homeland forward.

He popularized the “super flat” art style and creates his art with a colorful anime and manga cartoon style. Takashi has famously collaborated with Louis Vuitton creating some colorful, super flat logo styled handbags.

Takashi has done some work with Kanye West, from designing a special Jesus Piece — to designing the cover art for Graduation.

Murakami designed artwork for Kanye West and directed the “Good Morning” music video with his unique animation style.


Takashi has also created and started the GEISAI art fair, to promote and display the works of talented new Japanese artists.

Takashi directed a movie titled Jellyfish Eyes.

View his most expensive pieces and his gallery here.