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The Crxsh

About The Crxsh

Do people still read these? Lol.. Dear waking world… ‘CRXSH’ [noun / Hz] is meant to be an evolving art piece – a lore that spans across uncharted musical territory, visual vibrance & many interpretations.
Throughout the coming ‘RNBW BDY’ era you will see the story of colors returning to a realm similar to ours & the themes / parallels drawn.

Here you’ll find new songs, beats & demos for your listening pleasure – moods for different occasions – vibe surf from styles like Pop-ish to Anti-Pop, Hip-hop & Alt R&B, to others you’ve probably never heard yet.

I live a split life into anomalies, ancient civilizations, aliens, future technology, anime, lil artsy shit & spirit science.

I definitely don’t want to see the world become a dystopian society.. so I dedicate my gifts to uplift others, connect with free-thinkers & provide essential escapism during these unusual times.

Much love, buckle your seatbelt & raise your vibration, its gonna be a fun ride… 👽