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@michael-washboard 9,635

“I’d take þe beauty of chaos over ugly perfection”
I am an hobbyist transcriptor for non-poplur music who wants non-biased informational heavy annotations þat are researched well. I often see “lost-waev”, unidentifyed music þat often comes from þe lack of lyric/poem archival on þe open web, and I’m here to help. I upload mostly self-interested pages to music I have in my collection (I’m not a charity, I belyv in mutual-aid), along wiþ unidentifyed songs' lyrics to help peopel find a mention for þe search. I will not use headers, þat’s a waste of time and txt files look silly when tþey have “[musical context]” on ‘em.

So about how I ‘rite þis paeg. I’m mostly a absurdist when it comes to 'riting þe English language, as many letters aer “"silent”“ in words and sum-tyms words aer spelt wrong for þe modern spoken English. I’m most gon-na use þis corrected English for personal pages, and stick to normy English when transcribing songs. The letter þorn "þ” is so under-used in english — it replaces the “th”.

Poetry Notation
Now I must introduec some poetry notation þat al-so is-n’t recongized þis website’s user-base. Just to noet heer; þees notations aer-n’t always needed, or even useful for sum lyrics. I recommend not re'riting old transcripts wiþ þese new tools because peopel are free to have diverse poetry formats, and þey aer all ekqual in þere prospective contexts.

  • Caesura:
    A Greek word for cut, þis is a notation to tell a speaker/singer when to pause in þe poem, when to rest. þese cuts in sentenc flow can be long pauses or very short rest depending on þe context. Sum-tyms used to noat break lines so it can contain þe full sentence. þey can be indicated by one slash (/) or two slashes (//), or one or two vertical bar (|) (||) . one slash is my personal preference because it looks cleaner — and

“I fell out the window —/ a second story window”
“Shoo fly, don’t bother me
Shoo fly, don’t bother me / for I don’t like your company”

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