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@Yeshevishman 13,176

Please do not contact. I’m not really available to be on Genius much these days due to life stuff. I apologize for any inconveniences.

I’m a yeshiva student (hence the name) who loves music! I tend to lean more towards hip-hop on here, since that brought me here, but I try not to discriminate towards any genre of music in general. I tend to listen to more country, hip-hop and “Jewish” music, although I dabble in EDM, rock, classical and jazz.

I also make music of my own! A lot of it is either folk-pop-ish, Jewish, or hip-hop. I don’t have much online but you can check out some of my stuff out here:


As an editor, I try being fair to all ‘tates, so if you don’t understand why I deleted/rejected yours, hit me up!

My main project on genius right now is transcribing and cleaning up Black Hattitude’s discography, which I’m almost done with! Anyone with some background in their stuff (or Orthodox Judaism in general) who wants to help out is more than welcome to!

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