Don’t worry Tom, I’m gonna learn Ruby On Rails during the summer!

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You betcha I had my Rap Genius shirt on during the presentation!

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I used a 100 seconds delay just to show a bit of interaction in the demo, the final value is 600 seconds which is 10 minutes.

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They show you how to build a lie detector with an Arduino board… C'mon son!

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You can cop it on Amazon for a fistful of dollars.

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“Scientists love lasers!”

And LDCs.

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I also had to convert the temperature from K to C and make an average of the max and the min. It only took 4 lines of code:

read = urlopen('')
weather = load(read)
temp = int((weather['main']['temp_max'] + meteo['main']['temp_min'])/2 -- 273.15) 
humidity = weather['main']['humidity']

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Remember to convert the data to an integer, or it’ll stay as a string and won’t work properly.

if int(data[0:2]) in range(21,26):

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The bummer here is that you can’t run a script with PySerial while the Arduino serial monitor is open. This means that when you debug the code you need to add a print statement in Python to see if the data you’re getting is in the right format.

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I decided to record the temperature as an integer rather than a float simply because the decimals don’t have a huge impact on our perception of the weather so it was easier to keep them out.

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