Yes, it’s almost as if morals are subjective or something.

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And this is where the author’s ignorance borders on offensive. Christianity and socialism, except in the case of Leninists, have virtually no opposition to one another.

The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. was a democratic socialist, Leo Tolstoy was a Christian anarchist, Christian socialism and even Christian communism are both a thing, Thomas J. Haggerty was a Roman Catholic priest & a syndicalist, there are entire books on the subject of Christianity and capitalism’s incompatibility with one-another (here’s a video with an excerpt), and the freaking Pope is critical of capitalism.

Oh and did I mention the author of the U.S. pledge of allegiance, Francis Bellamy, was a Christian socialist?

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So conservatives just assumed that the entire country was a hive-mind the entire time? Good God, no wonder the GOP elected a habitual liar.

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If one totally ignores the long history of socialism in the United States with things & people like the I.W.W., MLK, Malcolm X, The Black Panther Party, the US-USSR alliance in World War II, and the various socialist politicians elected in our nation’s history, then yeah, this is totally a foreign & abhorrent idea.

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Or perhaps realize that neoliberalism is a garbage economic model which has created very real tensions in the country due to the ever-growing wealth divide.

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Yes, divisions on economics are the stuff of war. That’s why countries in Europe have had democratically and peacefully elected socialist politicians since the early 20th century. That’s why Seattle city councilwoman Kshawa Sawant was peacefully elected. That’s why Chile peacefully elected a Marxist. Truly, blood is the only manner in which economic disagreements are resolved.

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While as a socialist I do like this statistic, it’s important to remember that Americans are pretty politically illiterate on the subject of socialism. Some of these people may have simply been referring to social democratic ideas, which are still capitalist, just heavier on welfare programs.

But even setting this aside, this can’t be shocking. An entire generation shafted by their parent’s terrible economic decisions is obviously looking for alternatives because neoliberalism has failed us completely.

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