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Quatro 1,114


Quatro (1998) is a rapper-songwriter who pursued his rap career in 2016, being born and bred in a newly independent country (Timor Leste) it is hard to get his music around the world. He works with various artists within the country and dreams of becoming an international artist one day. Follow him on his journey towards his goals.

Quatro (1998) nu’udar kompozitor muziku ne’ebe hala’o nia karreira muzika Rap hahu’u kedas iha tinan 2016, nia moris no bo’ot iha rai nebe’e foin hetan indepedensia (Timor Leste) difikulta mos ba nia hodi habelar nia muzika iha mundu internasional. Nia servisu mos hamutuk ho artista sira husi rai laran no nia mehi hakarak loron ida sai mos hanesan iha futuru. Mai ita fo supporta nafatin ba nia hodi bele atinji nia meta (Objektivu) ida ne’e.

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